Hackbright Code Challenges

Word Prefixes and Tries

Word Prefixes and Tries




Trees, Tries




Word Prefixes and Tries: Solution

A trie is a tree where each node is either:

  • a letter

  • a marker of “valid-complete-word” (shown as an asterisk below)

For example, the following is a trie:

digraph trie { rankdir=TB Trie [shape=rect]; done1 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; done2 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; done3 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; done4 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; done5 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; done6 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; done7 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; done8 [label="*" shape="none" fontcolor="firebrick"]; a1 [label="a"]; c1 [label="c"]; t1 [label="t"]; e1 [label="e"]; t2 [label="t"]; e2 [label="e"]; b1 [label="b"]; a2 [label="a"]; t3 [label="t"]; e3 [label="e"]; t4 [label="t"]; Trie -> {a1, b1 } a1 -> { done1, c1, t1 } c1 -> { e1, t2 } e1 -> done2 t2 -> done3 t1 -> { done4, e2 } e2 -> done5 b1 -> { a2, e3 } a2 -> t3 -> done6; e3 -> { done7, t4 } t4 -> done8; }

This trie shows the following words:

  • a

  • ace

  • act

  • at

  • ate

  • bat

  • be

  • bet

Not that there are paths that are not complete words—”ac”, “b”, “ba” are paths that do not have valid-complete-word markers after them.

We’ve provided code for constructing tries and for searching a node in a trie to find all the words below that.

There’s a lot of code here: this is a challenging exercise, and part of that is navigating all of this code:

"""Example code for modeling tries, and searching them by prefix.

Joel Burton <joel@joelburton.com>

class LetterStack(object):
    """Simple letter-based stack based on a list, useful for tries.

    Stacks can be built using a linked list or an array; we'll just
    use the built-in Python list-type (array) for this.

        >>> s = LetterStack()
        >>> s.is_empty()

    As a convenience, we can pass in a string during instantiation,
    and it seeds the stack with those letters:

        >>> s = LetterStack("ab")
        >>> s.is_empty()

    We can push and pop things off:

        >>> s.push("c")
        >>> s.push("d")
        >>> s.pop()

    As a convenience, it will construct a word of the letters of the
    current stack, from the top:

        >>> s.as_word()

    def __init__(self, initial=""):
        """Create a stack.

        If initial is given, add each letter to the stack.

        self._stack = list(initial)

    def push(self, letter):
        """Add letter to stack.

            >>> s = LetterStack()
            >>> s.push('a')

        Let's make sure it's there:

            >>> s.peek()


    def pop(self):
        """Remove & return last letter on stack.

            >>> s = LetterStack('ab')
            >>> s.pop()
            >>> s.pop()

        return self._stack.pop()

    def peek(self):
        """Examine most-recent pushed letter.

            >>> s = LetterStack('ab')
            >>> s.peek()

        This does not change the stack--so we can peek as much as we want:

            >>> s.peek()

        Of course, when we pull things off, we'll see the new top:

            >>> s.pop()  # remove it!
            >>> s.peek()

        return self._stack[-1]

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True/False for if stack is empty.

            >>> s = LetterStack()
            >>> s.is_empty()

            >>> s.push('a')
            >>> s.is_empty()

        return not self._stack

    def as_word(self):
        """Return stack contents as a word. Does NOT change the stack.

        >>> s = LetterStack('abc')
        >>> s.as_word()

        >>> s.push('d')
        >>> s.as_word()

        return "".join(self._stack)

class TrieNode(object):
    """Node in a trie.

    Trie nodes are normal tree nodes -- except they have a method to construct
    all words below themselves. To do so, they look for special COMPLETE_WORD

    # This is just some marker element for "this is the end of a valid word".
    # We don't care what it really *is* -- we just need it to have a unique
    # identity so we can say things like "if some_node is COMPLETE_WORD".
    # So, we'll make an instance of object() -- this is a pretty useless thing
    # to have, but it *will* have a unique identity, so we can use it for
    # comparisons. This is a pretty common Python idiom (some other people
    # would make it an instance of an empty dictionary or empty list --
    # just because those will have unique identities, too -- but that can
    # seem a little less obvious, since empty-lists and empty-dictionaries
    # tend to be used more in code for useful things.)
    # Some people call these kind of markers a "nonce".

    COMPLETE_WORD = object()

    def __init__(self, letter, children=None):
        """Construct a node from a letter and, optionally, a list of child nodes."""\

        self.data = letter
        self.children = children or []

    def find_child_words(self):
        """Given a find all child words below this node.

        For a node without children, this returns nothing:

            >>> n = TrieNode('z')
            >>> n.find_child_words()

        For a node with a child word, return it:

            >>> n = TrieNode('t', [TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD])
            >>> n.find_child_words()

        For a node with a bunch of child words, return in DFS-order:

              c     d
             / \    |
            e   t   *
            |   |
            *   *

            >>> n = TrieNode('a', [TrieNode('c',
            ...                     [TrieNode('e', [TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD]),
            ...                      TrieNode('t', [TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD])]),
            ...                    TrieNode('d', [TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD])])
            >>> n.find_child_words()
            ['ce', 'ct', 'd']


        def _find_child_words(node, words, word):

            if node is TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD:


            # Add letters to stack
            for n in node.children:
                _find_child_words(n, words, word)

            # Before we return, pull last letter off stack
            if not word.is_empty():

        found_words = []

        for start_n in self.children:
            _find_child_words(start_n, found_words, LetterStack())

        return found_words

class Trie(object):
    """A trie is a tree where each node is a letter.

    They're often used to construct word trees, as might be used
    to find all words starting with a particular prefix.

    A path that creates a valid word, like "a"->"c"->"t" will end with a
    COMPLETE_WORD node in the children of "t", to show that it is valid.
    A path that, by itself, is not a valid word will not (so there will
    be no such marker in the list of children of "c", as "ac" is not a word).

    For example:

              a                   b
        /-----|-----\            / \
       *      c      t          a   e
             / \    / \        /   / \
            e   t  *   e      t   *   t
            |   |      |      |       |
            *   *      *      *       *

    (where * is the "end-of-valid-word" node marker).

    This is a trie of "a", "ace", "act", "ate", "bat", "be", "bet".
    Note that "b" "ac" and "ba" are not words -- there are no end-of-word nodes
    that follow these directly.

    def __init__(self, words):
        """Make a trie out of words.

            >>> trie = Trie(["a", "ace", "act", "ate", "bat", "be", "bet"])

            >>> trie.root.find_child_words()
            ['a', 'ace', 'act', 'ate', 'bat', 'be', 'bet']

        self.root = TrieNode(None)

        for word in words:

    def add(self, word):
        """Add word to trie.

        Adds word to trie. This creates whatever nodes are needed so there
        is a path of letters from the root for this word. It adds a
        complete-word marker as a child of the last letter, so it's marked
        as a word.

        We'll add an test the word 'at', which should add the following to
        our trie:


            >>> t = Trie('')
            >>> t.add('at')
            >>> len(t.root.children)
            >>> t.root.children[0].data
            >>> len(t.root.children[0].children)
            >>> t.root.children[0].children[0].data
            >>> len(t.root.children[0].children[0].children)
            >>> t.root.children[0].children[0].children[0] is TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD

        If the word is already in our trie, adding it again has no effect:

            >>> t.add('at')
            >>> len(t.root.children)
            >>> len(t.root.children[0].children)
            >>> len(t.root.children[0].children[0].children)

        node = self.root

        for letter in word:
            found = False
            for child in node.children:
                if child is not TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD and child.data == letter:
                    found = child
            if not found:
                found = TrieNode(letter)

            node = found

        if TrieNode.COMPLETE_WORD not in node.children:
            # If this word wasn't already in our trie, make sure it's marked
            # as a complete word.

    def find_prefix_words(self, prefix):
        """Find words with a prefix.

        :prefix: string of prefix

        - Navigates through the trie for each letter in the prefix
        - Returns a list of each word that uses this prefix, making sure
          to append the prefix to the returned list of words.

              a                   b
        /-----|-----\            / \
       *      c      t          a   e
             / \    / \        /   / \
            e   t  *   e      t   *   t
            |   |      |      |       |
            *   *      *      *       *

            >>> trie = Trie(["a", "ace", "act", "ate", "bat", "be", "bet"])

        If we provide an empty string for the prefix, this returns
        all child words of the entire trie:

            >>> trie.find_prefix_words('')
            ['a', 'ace', 'act', 'ate', 'bat', 'be', 'bet']

        Otherwise, it navigates to the end of that prefix, and finds
        all child words:

            >>> trie.find_prefix_words('a')
            ['a', 'ace', 'act', 'ate']

            >>> trie.find_prefix_words('ac')
            ['ace', 'act']

            >>> trie.find_prefix_words('ace')

        (note that they must be valid words; 'ac' does not appear, as it is
        not a word -- there's no complete-marker in the children of 'a'->'c')

        If the prefix can't be found, it returns no found words:

            >>> trie.find_prefix_words('z')

        Let's add a node with *no* children:

            >>> trie.root.children.append(TrieNode('z'))

        That's not very helpful -- this isn't a complete word, and it has no
        other children. Some people might even say our trie is no longer valid.
        Let's make sure this doesn't break things, though -- it should
        truthfully return no-words-with-that-prefix still:

            >>> trie.find_prefix_words('z')

        # Find prefix

        # Get list of suffixes from this point downward. This doesn't
        # include the prefix itself -- so four our sample trie, above,
        # 'ac' -> [e', 't']

        # Return list of words, joining the prefix to each suffix

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest
    if doctest.testmod().failed == 0:
        print("\n*** ALL TESTS PASSED! YOU'RE A TRIE-MASTER!\n")

If you run prefix.py, you get failures. This failure is expected—we haven’t implemented one critical functionality, but we have tests for it.

Implement Trie.find_prefix_words. Look carefully at the docstring to see how it should work. You may find the comments inside of the stub helpful.

At the point your code works, the doctests should pass.