Data Structures
We’ve provided a few different solutions.
The simplest moves in one “box” at a time:
def spiral_by_nested_boxes(matrix_size):
"""Spiral coordinates of a matrix of `matrix_size` size.
This version works by drawing TRBL boxes until the entire matrix
has been printed.
# Loop and create square nested boxes
for box_number in range(0, matrix_size // 2):
top = left = box_number
bottom = right = matrix_size - box_number - 1
for x in range(left, right): # draw top line going >
print((x, top))
for y in range(top, bottom): # draw right line going \/
print((right, y))
for x in range(right, left, -1): # draw bottom line going <
print((x, bottom))
for y in range(bottom, top, -1): # draw left line going /\
print((left, y))
# Odd-width matrices: print center point manually
if matrix_size % 2 != 0:
print((matrix_size // 2, matrix_size // 2))
There’s also a recursive version of this:
def spiral_recursion(matrix_size):
"""Spiral matrix of `matrix_size` size.
This version works by drawing TRBL boxes until the entire matrix
has been printed. Rather than a loop, it uses recursion.
def spiral_inner(box_number):
# By nesting this function, we have access to the enclosing
# function's vars -- in this case, `matrix_size`. Alternately,
# we could make this a top-level function & pass `matrix_size`
# in -- but it is tidy to nest this, since it's not useful
# outside of the outer function.
top = left = box_number
bottom = right = matrix_size - box_number - 1
# If we're on the last ring, we've reached base case
if box_number == matrix_size // 2:
# Base case -- we've reached the innermost box
if matrix_size % 2 != 0:
# Print center dot in odd-sized matrices
print((matrix_size // 2, matrix_size // 2))
for x in range(left, right): # draw top line going >
print((x, top))
for y in range(top, bottom): # draw right line going \/
print((right, y))
for x in range(right, left, -1): # draw bottom line going <
print((x, bottom))
for y in range(bottom, top, -1): # draw left line going /\
print((left, y))
# Now do the smaller box inside of us
spiral_inner(box_number + 1)
There’s a more direct way, of walking each point:
def spiral_by_points(matrix_size):
"""Spiral coordinates of a matrix of n size.
This version works by looping over all of the points, changing
directions at the corners.
min_x = min_y = 0 # Full matrix starts at top left
max_x = max_y = matrix_size - 1 # ... and can go to bottom right
curr_x = curr_y = 0 # We begin at top left
vel_x, vel_y = +1, 0 # ... and are going east
# Loop over each point, print point then move to the next point
for i in range(matrix_size ** 2):
print((curr_x, curr_y))
curr_x += vel_x
curr_y += vel_y
# If going east and at edge, start going down & reduce box \/
if vel_x == +1 and curr_x == max_x:
vel_x, vel_y = 0, +1
min_y += 1
# If going south and at edge, start going west & reduce box <
elif vel_y == +1 and curr_y == max_y:
vel_x, vel_y = -1, 0
max_x -= 1
# If going west and at edge, start going up & reduce box /\
elif vel_x == -1 and curr_x == min_x:
vel_x, vel_y = 0, -1
max_y -= 1
# If going north and at edge, start going east & reduce box >
elif vel_y == -1 and curr_y == min_y:
vel_x, vel_y = +1, 0
min_x += 1