Hackbright Code Challenges

Simple Infix Calculator: Solution

Simple Infix Calculator: Solution


Simple Infix Calculator




Data Structures



We’ll process our expression from left to right. We could use any kind of list and keep track of where we are in it, but to make this easier, we’ll pop off things as we work with them (this way, we don’t have to keep track of the next token — it will always be the start of the list).

Since popping from the left end of a list is O(n), we’ll use a data atructure that is better for this. This could be any kind of queue structure. In our case, we’ll use the deque provided by Python:

from collections import deque

We’ll write a simple function that turns our string into a deque of tokens:

def calc(s):
    """Simple infix calculator."""


    tokens = deque(s.split())

    return calc_expression(tokens)

And then a recursive function, calc_expression, which processes a list of tokens. At the point that it hits an (, it will call itself, so it can resolve this inner expression:

def calc_expression(tokens):
    """Calculate a list like [1, +, 2] or [1, +, (, 2, *, 3, )]"""

    lhs = tokens.popleft()

    if lhs == "(":
        lhs = calc_expression(tokens)

        lhs = int(lhs)

    operator = tokens.popleft()

    rhs = tokens.popleft()

    if rhs == "(":
        rhs = calc_expression(tokens)

        rhs = int(rhs)

    # We should be at the end of an expression, so there should be
    # either nothing left in the list, or just a closing parenthesis

    if tokens:
        assert tokens.popleft() == ")", \
            "bad expression, expected closing-paren"

    # Do the math

    if operator == "+":
        result = lhs + rhs

    elif operator == "-":
        result = lhs - rhs

    elif operator == "*":
        result = lhs * rhs

    elif operator == "/":
        result = lhs / rhs

        raise Exception("bad operator")

    return result