Math, General
Hexadecimal is a numbering system that uses base 16, rather than the base 10 of our normal numbering system. Therefore, there are digits from 0-9 and A-F. (Hexadecimal is an important concept in computer science, and you can learn more about it at the Wikipedia article about hexadecimal)
Write a function that, when given a hexadecimal number as a string, returns the equivalent decimal value.
For example:
>>> from hexconvert import hex_convert
>>> hex_convert('6')
>>> hex_convert('1A')
>>> hex_convert('FFFF')
We’ve provided a file, hexconvert, with a function, hex_convert:
def hex_convert(hex_in):
"""Convert a hexadecimal string, like '1A', into it's decimal equivalent."""
It is unimplemented. Finish it.