One solution:
def dec2bin_backwards(num):
"""Convert a decimal number to binary representation."""
# Work backwards, finding the least-significant-bit first,
# moving up to the most-significant bit.
# At the end, print the list of bits reversed
result = []
place = 0
while place == 0 or num >= 2 ** place:
if num % (2 ** (place + 1)):
num -= 2 ** place
place += 1
return "".join(reversed(result))
Another solution:
def dec2bin_forwards(num):
"""Convert a decimal number to binary representation."""
# Work forwards. Figure out how many bits there will be,
# so you know what power of two the left-most bit will have.
# Calculate each bit, from most-significant to least, adding
# to a string answer.
out = ""
# Figure out how many bits this will have
num_bits = 1
while 2 ** num_bits <= num:
num_bits += 1
for position in range(num_bits - 1, -1, -1):
if 2 ** position <= num:
num -= 2 ** position
out += "1"
out += "0"
return out
A third possibility:
def dec2bin_division(num):
"""Convert a decimal number to binary representation."""
# Work from right to left, from 1's place up to 2^n's place
# Use mod to tell you if each digit should be a zero or a one
# Then divide by two to move onto the next digit
if num == 0:
return "0"
reversed_digits = []
while num > 0:
# num % 2 will be 0 or 1
reversed_digits.append(str(num % 2))
num //= 2
return "".join(reversed(reversed_digits))