Dictionaries, General
Is the word an anagram of a palindrome?
A palindrome is a word that reads the same forward and backwards (eg, “racecar”, “tacocat”). An anagram is a rescrambling of a word (eg for “racecar”, you could rescramble this as “arceace”).
Determine if the given word is a re-scrambling of a palindrome.
The word will only contain lowercase letters, a-z.
Don’t Care If It’s Real
You don’t need to worry about whether it’s an actual English word or not—just whether a palindrome could be made of it.
For example, the word “bcbc” could be rearranged as “bccb”, so this should be true, even though “bccb” isn’t an actual English word.
For example:
>>> is_anagram_of_palindrome("a")
>>> is_anagram_of_palindrome("ab")
>>> is_anagram_of_palindrome("aab")
>>> is_anagram_of_palindrome("arceace")
>>> is_anagram_of_palindrome("arceaceb")
We’ve given you a file, anagramofpalindrome.py with a function is_anagram_of_palindrome:
def is_anagram_of_palindrome(word):
"""Is the word an anagram of a palindrome?"""
However, this is unimplemented.